Head Coach:

Virginia Welsh – Representative NSWPL Coach, Elite Coach accreditation

Session Times :

5.30pm – 10/11s
6.30pm – 12 plus – with extended workloads.

Venue :

Gate 3
Pymble Ladies College
Avon Road

Please wear appropriate training attire and sandshoes, hair tied and no jewellery. Please bring drink. We suggest you have a snack ready to eat post-session.

Cost : $220 plus GST  per term (JETS training shirt included in fee)

Contact :  Virginia Welsh 0402 720 106

    Name: *

    Parent Names: *

    Contact Phone: *

    Email *

    Age & Grade you will play this season: Eg. 10A's

    Rep squad/talent squad/ rep team experience:

    Permission to be photographed:


    Medical info, if necessary: